Meet Our Guides



Drizzle is an Urban Forest School Leader at Roots and Boots. She holds a Masters of Science in Early Childhood Education from Wheelock College (Boston University), and a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood and Leadership Studies. In her 18 years in the industry, she has taken on various roles in preschool settings working with children, teachers and parents. She has also lectured and conducted trainings in colleges and other institutes.

Her research interests include effective parent-school partnership, mentorship and interaction opportunities to facilitate outdoor play. To further her research studies, she completed her Level 3 Forest School Leader training in the UK.

Drizzle is passionate about making a difference in the industry and believes in the importance of bridging the connection between learning and application of knowledge and skills. She believes that “Children are not things we mould but people we unfold” and is excited to develop pioneering concepts within an innovation curriculum and training platform for Roots and Boots.

If she were to be an animal, she would be a chimpanzee. Curious, playful, and keen to explore and learn!



Melissa is an Urban Forest School Leader at Roots and Boots. Having a Masters in Early Childhood Special Education from Teachers College, Columbia University in New York, and a background in Psychology and Biology, she is an advocate for purposeful and differentiated learning. She has 15 years of experience in a variety of education settings in both Singapore and North America.

She is passionate about giving children the freedom to explore the natural environment and discover their own unique interests and strengths. A mother of four, Melissa is a firm believer in experiential learning and letting children take risks, and encourages them to be reflective in all areas of their development. She sees value in being present in experiences, and believes that we can all learn from each other, as “While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.”

If she were to be a flower, she would be a sunflower. Bright, cheery, and nurturing!


Yin Xia

Yin Xia is an Urban Forest School Facilitator and Chinese Teacher at Our Preschool. She holds a Diploma of Education in Early Childhood from KLC International institute and has 5 years of experience in the early childhood field.

Growing up in the countryside, Yin Xia has been surrounded by the forest and its wildlife, accompanied by sunshine, rain, rocks, flowers and trees. Being so close to nature has taught her to be empathetic, active, independent and confident, all of which are qualities that has followed her through adulthood. Yin Xia believes that no learning environment is as broad, varied, and attractive as the natural environment. The varying colours, shapes, wildlife and terrain that can be found in nature are children's best inspirations for creativity. Through their adventures and explorations in the natural environment, children can use their 5 senses to feel, explore and discover the wonders of the world!

If she were to be a bird, she would be a migratory bird who will fly far to find out the answers to the questions she has about our world!



Samantha is an Assistant Facilitator at Roots and Boots. She holds a Diploma in Child Psychology and Early Education, and specialises in Early Intervention. She has experience in teaching young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

She believes that children are curious individuals who learn best through play, exploration and experimentation. As a strong believer that the physical environment is the 'Third Teacher', she aims to provide children with a safe space to explore, learn and be inquisitive. Being on nature adventures with these little ones allows her to grow alongside them, and reconnect with her inner child -- adventurous and creative!

If she were to be an animal, she would be a deer -- tenacious and calm.



Laurel is an assistant forest school facilitator with Roots and Boots. She holds a Masters of Arts in Educational Leadership and Societal Change. Over the years, she has worked with children of various ages in different capacities and is excited to learn with them in our enrichment classes.

Believing in the unique potential of every child, she understands that children learn and express themselves differently. Hence, she strives to pay attention to their interests which allows her to connect and form deeper bonds with them. A strong believer in experiential learning, she holds safe spaces in nature, thus allowing children to explore, observe, and be inquisitive. As children are also naturally curious and imaginative, she enjoys seeing the world through their lens.

If she were to be an animal, she would be an elephant - empathetic , gentle and curious!

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Raudha is an Urban Forest School Facilitator at Roots and Boots. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education from Wheelock College, with a focus on children’s literacy development. Prior to that, she completed a degree in Children and Family Studies from Edith Cowan University.

In her previous stint as a Curriculum Specialist, she had the opportunity to visit and experience the Reggio Emilia philosophy in Italy. This visit deepened her belief that children and community bonding is essential for holistic growth and development.

Raudha is married and blessed with three daughters who cook better than her.

If she were to be a herb, she would be peppermint. Refreshing, a perk-me-up in any dessert or drink, giving off a happy scent.


Yi Hui

Yi Hui is an Urban Forest School Facilitator and Teacher at Our Preschool. She holds a Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood from Monash University. She has close to 10 years of experience in the early childhood field. She also had the opportunity to work with a school in China for a year and was involved in curriculum development during her time there.

She believes that children are constructors of their own knowledge and should be free to explore the environment with their five senses. She hopes to help young children learn through meaningful play-based experiences. Through love, understanding and patience, she aspires to create a difference in children’s lives.

If she were a safari animal, she would be a honey badger as she is courageous, always ready for new challenges. Just like the honey badger, she is constantly looking for ways to improve herself, never resting on her laurels. She also displays grit and determination like the creature.



Yvette is a Facilitator with Roots and Boots as well as a Teacher in Our Preschool. She holds a Diploma in Early Childhood Development and Education.

Yvette believes that children are capable learners who are able to construct their own learning. She sees them as curious creatures, always yearning to understand the world better. As a facilitator, she aims to provide children with the environment and right amount of scaffolding for them to explore and discover nature’s wonders. She hopes to form close bonds with each child and grow together with them.

If she were a bird, she would be a dove. Doves are messengers of peace and love, which are attributes she desires to embody.



Daniel is an Urban Forest School Facilitator at Roots & Boots.

He has been working with children of various ages for more than 18 years in different capacities and settings. With experience in the classroom as well as outdoors as a multi-sports assistant coach, Daniel engages children with his fun-loving and energetic spirit.

He believes that things children learn and observe from a young age are really crucial for their development later in life, and he is passionate and grateful to have the ability to teach and influence children positively. It also brings him much fulfilment to witness the child’s development in all aspects as they mature in life and understanding.

 If he were to be an animal, he would be a dog, specifically of the Collie breed – (mostly) good with young children, athletic and adaptable, having a playful side at times.


Hui Ming

Hui Ming is an Urban Forest School Facilitator (Chinese) at Roots & Boots. She graduated with a WSQ Professional Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education, and also completed Diploma in Chinese Language Teaching at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore as well as a Certificate of Resource of Infants & Toddlers (RIE). Originally from Malaysia, she has been teaching Mandarin in Singapore, in the field of child development since 1999.

She believes that every child is unique, and that children learn in different ways, being in nature will helps children grow and develop in a natural way. Hui Ming is passionate about explore new things and support children learn though play. If a child’s life is like a piece of paper, she hopes that their childhood will leave with natural image and the most beautiful mark.

If she were to be a plant, she would be a big tree, providing shade from the hot sun, making people relax and comfortable.